Monday, March 31, 2008

In LA!

Hi all,

Just a quick post before bed on our second day in the US. So far things have gone pretty well. We didn't miss any flights or get lost. Though getting from LAX to our hostel was a two hour shuttle trip from hell and an experience we could have done with out.

However our hostel room is pretty big and private and while it may not be the world's most central place, where in LA is?

Thoughts on LA... well it's massive. You can't really comprehend it till you've been here and tried to get around. It is easy to see why everyone is always driving here. It's also got a real rough around the edges feel. The few places that are clean and tidy (Bel Air, parts of Hollywood) are a real stark contrast to the rest of the city.

However neither of us have felt at all nervous using public transport or walking around a little so I'm guessing that the crack downs on crime are making things safer in this rather infamous city.

I don't think I'll rush back here (Amanda isn't too sure at this stage, she wants a better look at the Playboy Mansion), but it was worth a look and is certainly a diverse city. If I ever meet someone who lives here I might come back to get a more personal show around.

Here are a few photos from today (click on the photo to see more):
'08 Trip - LA

Tomorrow it's off to San Diego by train.

This post was brought to you by my brand new MacBook!

Location: Banana Bungalow, LA

Friday, March 28, 2008

Tomorrow is the day

We fly out to LA tomorrow. So feel free to give any handy hints about what to do there!

I'm hoping that the next time I update will be from my new MacBook :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

3 more sleeps...

With only 3 days to go and a mostly empty house the end is finally in sight! I would show photos but I can't find any good ones... so here are a few from the last trip to keep you interested. Enjoy!

Location: Wellington